Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Life Resolution

How's your New Years Resolution going?


Most of us understand that the best way to reach a larger long-term goal is to set small obtainable goals. As we work at those, and hit incremental milestones, we gain confidence and hope so we may keep reaching forward, toward our larger goal and purpose.

And it's true.

Why then do we ignore this fact every January?

Failing and unrealistic New Years Resolutions tend to cripple hope and hinder progress. Every year Resolutions are made, and broken. We have all the confidence and support for the first month or two, and by the time summer comes we have forgotten or dismissed our promises to ourselves.

Why is this?

I believe our poor planning leads to poor performance. By not planning properly we set ourselves up for failure.

I believe that most often our New Years Resolutions are too large, too vague, and not coupled with the much needed smaller goals that could help lead to our resolution.

We say:
"I'm goin to get out of debt."
"I'm going to lose weight."
"I'm going to go to the gym every day."

And yes, those are good long-term goals. But what are we missing?

We're missing the means to those ends.

We're missing what it takes to get there.

We're missing those small obtainable goals.

We're missing the established principles that lead to real change in our lifestyles.


Forget about your New Years Resolution.



Make a life choice.

Make a life resolution.

Choose every single day as a small step forward.

Choose every single day to push harder and further than you did the day before.

Choose principles and character ethics that are more powerful and more resilient than any New Years resolution could ever be.

Establish and develop and practice positive character traits; such as integrity, bearing, unselfishness, endurance, tact, temperance, modesty, courage, enthusiasm, fidelity, etc.

Resolve to be true to yourself.

Resolve to be better in every way.

Consider doing what is right.... all year long.

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