Sunday, June 30, 2013

Logical + Unexplainable = Truth

The most logical thing i know is also the most unbelievable and unexplainable thing I know.  It just doesn't make sense, and yet makes complete sense.....

It's the good news of Jesus Christ,
the love of a creator,
the forgiveness and second chances,
the grace and mercy of someone who desires our love, and allows the free will for us choose him or to deny him. 

Our creator loves us so much, and desires our love so much, that he made an example of himself for us
to know,
to follow,
to learn,
to live by. 
All so we could be saved from an eternal separation from him.


Consider Love,
Consider Change,
Consider Christ.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why I voted NO.

Why I voted NO.

There is nothing a Union can do for me that I can't do for myself.  Individual work ethics and personal responsibility weigh more greatly to a positive relation between me and my employer than any third party can do. 

Poor return on investment.  Too much dues for too little benefit. 

The Union touts a very democratic rhetoric, yet speaks of, and demonstrates,  a very individualistic and selfish persuasion and ideals. 

Local, State, and Federal laws already do enough to protect my rights as an employee. 

I'm here to work, to bring home a paycheck, and provide for my family. I don't have time or desire for politics in the workplace.

Every person has the right to work, but you are not entitled to work.

No one who is in favor of the Union spoke a single word about it to me.

And finally, I actually like my job and the company I work for. Go figure.  And it pays well already. And I know that if I have a problem, or question, or concern, that I can (and i have) approach them on my own. 


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Say what?

"We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check."

"When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal."

"Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go."

"Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.
Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 
The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

"All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 
but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison."

Consider your actions and your words!

Are you aware of your influence?

Are you doing and saying what you know to be right?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy.... Easter?

Quite a season, right?

The kids can't wait for the bunny, the chocolate, the egg hunt, the basket full of goodies.
The pastor can't wait to see the seats filled, and for a long prepared sermon to end successfully.
The parent can't wait for the photo ops and the smiles of joy on children's faces.
The dentist can't wait for the future patients.

The hustle and bustle of yet another holiday season....
Shopping, preparing, inviting, cooking, visiting, eating..... stressing.

I fear though, that we get caught up yet again in another holiday. Worse yet, I fear we simply treat this as simply a holiday.

Another day off.
More gifts.
Family dinners.
Traditional church attendance.

I fear we reduce it all to these things... and less...

I fear we miss what it's all about.

It's not about the candy or eggs or flowers.
It's not about that extra day off.

It's so much more.

It's not even about the blood that was shed, or scars, or a cross!

It's about the one who shed his blood.
It's about the one who bears the scars.
It's about the one who hung on the cross.

It's about us and him.

It's about showing and sharing a greater love.

It's about the beginning of the final mending of one of the greatest desires for relationship ever.

It's about an example and demonstration of truth, and hope, and love, and redemption, and life.

It's about bringing to light this human damnation we live in and providing a hope, and a way out.

It's about saying you should LOVE!!

It's about saying you ARE loved!!!

It about closing a gap between a creator and his beloved creation.

Consider This:

-Don't just have a family dinner.
-Don't just go to church on Sunday.
-Don't just hunt for eggs.
-Don't just eat bread and drink wine.
-Don't just 'come to the cross'.


-Cherish your family everyday.
-Fellowship with other believers often.
-Search for good all the time.
-Remember Christ's sacrifice daily.
-Be humble before the King in all of life.

It is not a holiday season!

It's a season of living...
it's life...
it's love...
All the time!

Happy Easter!

Happy Everyday!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

From this day forward

On a day that is marked by greeting cards and chocolates, my wife and I begin a journey.

We're actually a day late however, but none the less, we begin our lent now.
The day after Ash Wednesday.
Valentine's Day 2013.

We agreed upon things we wish to give up.
Fried Foods and Sweets (including sodas)
We're excited, and encouraged.

And just as I started to feel selfish for us picking things that are seemingly for our own benefit, my wonderful wife, who God has blessed me with, makes another Lent proposal.
That we hold each other accountable to doing our individual daily devotionals with the Lord.
Though our Lent sacrifices of fried foods and sweets is all well and good, and we intend to continue our dedication to it,
the greater part of this Lent season will be our dedication to God.
We're beginning a journey of devotion and habit-forming.
And I must say, I feel guided and blessed by God to do so.
(And I ask that our friends in Christ hold us accountable to it as well)

And then:

Day one: the February 14th entry of my devotional book "God Calling", there's a paragraph that stands out:

"You are making one spot of earth a Holy Place, and though you must work and spend yourself ceaselessly because that is for the present your appointed task, yet the greatest work either of you can do, and are doing, is done in this time apart with Me. Are you understanding that?"

The day we choose to spend a time apart from one another in devotional time with God is the day I read this.....


Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Love

Happy Lent season

May your love, devotion, habits, and life flourish this day, this lent, and this year.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Paradoxical Portfolio

Ok, so I'll admit right away that this has nothing to do with money, or stocks, or dividends.

But it does have to do with some very important assets, and with investments which we have the opportunities to make every single day.

Investing your money can be stressful and risky at times, but what about lending some other assets?

Assets which you own, possess, and which are free to give.

What about giving away some of the things that make you you?
Your attributes?
Your talents?

But let's not stop there.

Lets diversify.

What would happen if you would give away some things that are more precious and valuable than all of those other things?

What if you gave something that yields much higher dividends than you could even imagine with money or skills?

You see, there's a bit of a paradox however.

A page of your portfolio that may almost definitely reflect a beneficial unbalance of you returns on investments.

A page that would reflect your most precious assets as investments.

But it's not necessarily your money,
nor your skills,
nor your advice,
but your best assets.

Consider this:

Invest in


Here's the paradox:

You give what you got without decreasing what you've got.

Unlike money, which must be divided before it's dispersed, these inherent defining principle qualities and attributes and actions can actually be multiplied before being shared, and as such, should be.

This in-turn also yields a higher return.

It allows us to share what we have with those around us in wonderful ways.

You've got something to give.
Something that could not only brighten your day,
better your life,
and calm your anxieties,

but also
when shared in-kind
it comes back around
and exponentially
saves life.

You have the opportunity to better someone's day through your
and hope.

And consider
that your day may improve too!

Live Love my friends.

Invest in life.

Be the light of someone's day.

Be patient,
Be kind,
Be honest,
Be respectful,
Be true.

Not just from your mind,

Not just from your possessions,

But investments of your heart.

Monday, January 21, 2013

What guides you?

Soul -> Heart -> Mind -> Strength

From the inside -> out.


Could it be that our actions, the physical part of us, the strength, if you will, is a result of the very being of who we are?

Think about where our actions come from.
Our strength is mustered up by, and through, our thought process and decisions to act.
Our strength being a direct result of our decision making process.
The mind being a source of guidance for your strength, and consequently your actions.

But where does that process start?

Think about your thoughts.

As paradoxical and strange as that might seem, it is possible. Since we are a very self-aware creature we can consider from where our thoughts derive.

Almost all your thoughts stem from your true feelings on matters; your passions, your desires, etc.
The heart of you, being the source of guidance for your mind.

But what shapes our hearts?

What gives you that sense of love, hate, morals, ethics, emotions, etc?

Typically our feelings on a matter are a reflection of what we truly believe, of what makes up your soul.
Your soul being the very root of who you are, at your core.


Your single genuine tear during a chick flick gives your girlfriend a glimpse at the kind of man you are. (which, by the way, she may like)

Your anger and tension when hearing political news may tell your friends a little about your deep patriotic convictions.

How you act, think, and feel may, more often than not, point to who you are!


If you're satisfied with the end result and display of your actions, you may be very satisfied and happy with life right now. And I'm happy for you, truly!


Consider this:

If you're unhappy, unsatisfied, depressed, regretful, ashamed.... then I challenge you with this:

Consider looking within yourself.
Trace your thoughts.
Determine not only who you are, which guides your actions,
but work at the core.

What do you truly believe?
How do you wish to be defined?
What can you do,
in practice and habit,
to shift your feelings, your thoughts, and your actions?

And know that you're not alone.

You are who you surround yourself with.
You are the books you read.
You are the music you listen to.
You are the games you play.
You are YOU as a result of what you do and what's been done around you.
You shape your being by the tools you allow to be worked on you.

For just as we are outwardly working creatures, acting upon our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs,

We are also inwardly influenced.
actions shaping minds,
thoughts shaping feelings,
and feelings shaping belief.

Soul <--> Heart <--> Mind <--> Strength

(From the outside --> In... And back again)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Life Resolution

How's your New Years Resolution going?


Most of us understand that the best way to reach a larger long-term goal is to set small obtainable goals. As we work at those, and hit incremental milestones, we gain confidence and hope so we may keep reaching forward, toward our larger goal and purpose.

And it's true.

Why then do we ignore this fact every January?

Failing and unrealistic New Years Resolutions tend to cripple hope and hinder progress. Every year Resolutions are made, and broken. We have all the confidence and support for the first month or two, and by the time summer comes we have forgotten or dismissed our promises to ourselves.

Why is this?

I believe our poor planning leads to poor performance. By not planning properly we set ourselves up for failure.

I believe that most often our New Years Resolutions are too large, too vague, and not coupled with the much needed smaller goals that could help lead to our resolution.

We say:
"I'm goin to get out of debt."
"I'm going to lose weight."
"I'm going to go to the gym every day."

And yes, those are good long-term goals. But what are we missing?

We're missing the means to those ends.

We're missing what it takes to get there.

We're missing those small obtainable goals.

We're missing the established principles that lead to real change in our lifestyles.


Forget about your New Years Resolution.



Make a life choice.

Make a life resolution.

Choose every single day as a small step forward.

Choose every single day to push harder and further than you did the day before.

Choose principles and character ethics that are more powerful and more resilient than any New Years resolution could ever be.

Establish and develop and practice positive character traits; such as integrity, bearing, unselfishness, endurance, tact, temperance, modesty, courage, enthusiasm, fidelity, etc.

Resolve to be true to yourself.

Resolve to be better in every way.

Consider doing what is right.... all year long.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Consider a Consultant??

Have you ever considered hiring a consultant for your organization or business?

What were some of your reasons?

What were some of your concerns?

What were some of your considerations when seeking out a consultant?

What advice do you have for others to consider?