Sunday, March 13, 2011

a busy ramble

When you hear talk about someone's plate being full, too many tasks and responsibilities, too much stuff in their lives, it's easy to see. It's easy to recognize when they're taking on too much. We even feel inclined to give some friendly advice and suggest courses of action that could help them simplify their lives, and maybe help them gain some sanity that they once knew.

But I am one of them. And I've been fortunate enough to have those guiding friends, and advice.

But I also know enough about myself to know that it's not that simple.

Don't get me wrong, advice is great. Encouragement for me to live a better, healthier, simpler, and less stressful life is very encouraged and welcomed.

But it's not as easy as a one-time suggestion, or a loving slap in the back of the head to say "hey, knock it off."

I've found that the most beneficial guidance through this over-stressed and complicated life is just that, 'guidance'....

My plate was not full..... It was overflowing!!
So much so that things were getting messy. Life was busy. If I wasn't doing something, I was thinking of what needed to be done. I have even commented a few times that I forget what it's like to be bored... I haven't been bored since high-school (10 years ago)...

So why? What's wrong with me?

Well, quite simply, I was, and sometimes still am, a gluton for busyness. But it's one of those self-realizations that I'm working to apply to my life.

I was raised and grew up with the understanding that if I'm not 'doing' something than I'm a failure. Whether it was intended to be that way or not is irrelevant, that's how I saw it. And it took a long time, a near nervous breakdown, and many instances of near burnout induced stress for me to finally start pushing stuff off of my plate.

And for someone like me who is defined by and prideful of works, that's extremely difficult to do.

But something had to be done. Change was imminent, like it or not, for better or worse.... Things had to change...

So it began.

From the wise words of Sally Holubec, "boundries Bobby, boundries!"

To the everlasting wisdom of God, emphasizing the value of 'rest'.

To the new introspective views of myself borne from my desire to know people, know God, and know myself.

To ever-growing passion to be out, among people, helping people.

To the continued spiritual influences and growth in my life.


Time for Change!

So now I sit here in the Lehigh Valley International Airport... Three and a half hours early for my flight, which will take me to Texas to a job interview.. And as I sit here, I'm prompted to write all of this for two reasons.

One: I needed something to do.... Ironic right?

And Two: In the hopes that just one person out there could benifit and learn from my experience, this is for you....

Consider it.